BPS Soppeng Regency Conducts Training on Area Frame Sampling Survey and Crop Cutting Survey for 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Soppeng Regency

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BPS Soppeng Regency Conducts Training on Area Frame Sampling Survey and Crop Cutting Survey for 2024

BPS Soppeng Regency Conducts Training on Area Frame Sampling Survey and Crop Cutting Survey for 2024

November 20, 2024 | BPS Activities

To improve the accuracy of rice production data in Indonesia, BPS Soppeng Regency organized the 2024 Area Frame Sampling (KSA) Survey and Crop Cutting Survey Training. This event took place on November 20, 2024, at the BPS Soppeng Regency Meeting Room from 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM WITA.

The training aimed to enhance agricultural data collection methods, particularly for rice, by employing modern and objective technologies. This initiative aligns with the government's mission to support food sovereignty and achieve the second goal of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): ending hunger and promoting sustainable agriculture.

One of the challenges in collecting agricultural data is the accuracy of harvested area measurements. Conventional methods, such as the eye estimate, have been proven to produce less accurate data, with a potential overestimation of up to 17.07 percent. To address this, BPS replaced this method with the Area Frame Sampling (KSA) method, which uses an area-based approach by observing rice growth phases within specific segments.

Additionally, crop cutting surveys continue to be used as a method for calculating rice productivity but are now based on KSA subsegments. This shift allows data to be collected more quickly, accurately, and in line with field conditions.

The training was attended by 24 participants, consisting of 15 field officers, 7 field supervisors, 1 sit-in participant, and 1 committee member. Participants came from various levels, including non-organic staff and organic staff of BPS Soppeng Regency.

The training materials were delivered by Refina Oktafiani, SST, a First Statistician at BPS Soppeng Regency, who served as the local instructor.

This training is part of BPS's efforts to support the One Data Indonesia policy, as stipulated in Presidential Regulation No. 39 of 2019. With more accurate and modern data, BPS hopes to make a significant contribution to supporting food security and the sustainability of Indonesia's agricultural sector.

Equipped with the knowledge and skills gained from this training, field officers are expected to conduct surveys more effectively, ensuring that the rice production data collected can support evidence-based policymaking for development planning.

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