Sakernas February 2019 Training Center BPS Statistics of Soppeng Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Soppeng Regency

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Sakernas February 2019 Training Center BPS Statistics of Soppeng Regency

Sakernas February 2019 Training Center BPS Statistics of Soppeng Regency

January 28, 2019 | BPS Activities

BPS-Statistics of Soppeng Regency held training for Sakernas February 2019 officers. The training lasted for 3 effective days starting from January 28 to January 30 2019 at the Grand Saotta Hotel Watansoppeng. The training was attended by 13 participants who had passed the Susenas and Sakernas staff interview selection that had been carried out previously. The training class guided by National Instructors in this case was the Head of the Social Statistics Section, Sukri, SE who had completed training in Bandung a week earlier. The National Labor Force Survey is conducted twice a year with different estimation levels. In February estimates only reached the provincial level while the August Sakernas estimates could reach the District level. The sample recorded through the Sakernas activity is the household and begins updating for sampling to be taken. Hopefully this year's Sakernas data collection will run smoothly and produce good quality of employment data, of course this is based on training that produces quality output, namely field enumerators who are skilled and mastering the employment concepts that are present in Sakernas this year.
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