Susenas Officer Training March and Seruti First Quarter 2024 in Soppeng Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Soppeng Regency

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Susenas Officer Training March and Seruti First Quarter 2024 in Soppeng Regency

Susenas Officer Training March and Seruti First Quarter 2024 in Soppeng Regency

January 31, 2024 | BPS Activities

The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Soppeng Regency held Training for March Susenas Officers and Quarterly Household Economic Survey (Seruti) First Quarter 2024. This training aims to produce officers who are competent in understanding concepts, definitions, and able to carry out surveys well in accordance with Standard Operating Procedures (SOUP).

The training lasted for four effective days, starting with three days of online meetings via Zoom Meeting from 22 to 24 January 2024. Followed by one day of offline meetings divided into two waves, on 30 to 31 January 2024, at the Grand Saota Hotel, Soppeng .

The number of training participants reached 56 people from 8 sub-districts, including 14 organic employees of BPS Soppeng Regency. The participants consisted of various positions, ranging from non-organic employees/statistical partners, BPS staff, to First Statisticians and Young Statisticians at BPS Soppeng Regency.

This training was guided by a National Instructor from BPS Soppeng Regency, S.A. Herdiana Putri, S.Stat., who is the First Statistician of Soppeng Regency BPS. During the training, participants are expected to be able to understand in depth the concepts and definitions of Susenas and Seruti, master the documents used, as well as the SOP for conducting surveys to ensure that the data produced is of high quality with low levels of sampling and non-sampling errors.

Organizing this training is an important step in maintaining and improving the quality of data produced by Susenas and Seruti. Data from Susenas is not only important for various groups at home and abroad, but is also used in preparing Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP), and the annual Integrated Institutional Balance Sheet. Starting in 2023, Seruti will be integrated with Susenas, the Special Quarterly Household Consumption Survey (SKKRT), and the Special Household Savings and Investment Survey (SKTIR) to provide more comprehensive and quarterly household-based economic data.

With this training, it is hoped that Soppeng Regency BPS officers can carry out data collection well and responsibly, thereby producing high quality data and supporting various development policies and plans in Indonesia.
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