August 2022 National Labor Force Survey Officer Training - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Soppeng Regency

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August 2022 National Labor Force Survey Officer Training

August 2022 National Labor Force Survey Officer Training

July 20, 2022 | BPS Activities

The National Labor Force Survey (SAKERNAS) is a survey conducted by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) specifically designed to collect employment data. Sakernas is held twice a year, in February and August. Until now, Sakernas has undergone various changes in terms of time of implementation, level of estimation, coverage, methodology, and questionnaires.

In August 2020, the questionnaire was revised, namely adjusting the conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. The main changes to the questionnaire include the use of the concept of employment according to the ICLS-13 concept, the addition of questions related to the impact of COVID-19 on employment based on ILO recommendations, simplification of the questionnaire and grouping of questions according to each topic. In addition to changes to the questionnaire, the August 2020 Sakernas also underwent adjustments in its data collection business process. This adjustment was made in accordance with the state of the COVID-19 pandemic in the enumeration area.

Meanwhile, several changes to Sakernas August 2022 include the application of a new population concept, in accordance with SP2020, additions and refinements to questions related to sources of funding for courses/training/training, changes/adjustments to time reference, changes to the disability answer category into 4 categories, additional questions related to wages and income, as well as adjustments to the order and flow of questions.

The Sakernas data has been widely used by various groups, both at home and abroad. Therefore, the continuity of the availability and quality of Sakernas data must be maintained and improved so that in its implementation (data collection) it is necessary for officers who are responsible and able to carry out the data collection properly, so that there is a need for officer training as a provision for officers to the field.

Training for Sakernas Officers August 2022 at BPS Soppeng Regency will be held on 18 s.d. July 19, 2022, at the Grand Saota Hotel Jalan Tujuh Wali-Wali Salotungo Watansoppeng. With a total of 28 participants from several sub-districts and 9 BPS Soppeng Regency. The positions of the participants ranged from non-organic staff/statistical partners, statistician functionalists, computer administrators and employees at BPS Soppeng Regency. By being trained by a Regional Instructor from the Soppeng Regency BPS, namely the Soppeng Regency BPS First Statistics a.n. Nur Rohmah Utami, SST.

It is hoped that the implementation of this training can produce officers who understand the concept and definition of Sakernas as well as understand the documents used in data collection and understand the SOPs for the implementation of Sakernas in August 2022 so that data collection can run well and the quality of the resulting data can be used for planning and evacuation of development in the district. Soppeng in particular.
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