2020 Population Census Long Form Officer Training - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Soppeng Regency

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2020 Population Census Long Form Officer Training

2020 Population Census Long Form Officer Training

May 6, 2022 | BPS Activities

The Central Statistics Agency will again carry out the 2020 Population Census Long Form (LFSP2020) which is a continuation of the Population Census which was carried out in 2020. This Advanced Population Census is a series of 2020 Population Census activities to collect more detailed population information. This 2020 Advanced Population Census will be carried out from May to June 2022. The 2020 Advanced Population Census, apart from being a sustainable development goal and indicators for other development purposes, also aims to produce the Demographic parameters needed as input in the preparation of population projections.

Starting the Advanced SP2020 activities, the Soppeng Regency BPS conducted training for LFSP2020 officers before field activities. The training of officers in Soppeng Regency was held face-to-face while still implementing health protocols. The training was carried out for 8 effective days which was divided into 2 waves, in 2 TCs, namely Grand Saota Hotel and Grand Aisha Hotel, with a total number of 7 classes. The first batch was held on May 6-9 2022, with 3 classes, 2 classes at the Grand Saota Hotel which was attended by 41 participants from the Lilirilau and Liliriaja sub-districts and the Grand Aisha Hotel as many as 21 participants from the Marioriawa District. while the second wave will be held on 10-13 May 2022, with 4 classes. 3 classes at the Grand Saota Hotel which were attended by 61 people where the participants came from the Lalabata, Citta, Donri donri sub-districts. And for the Grand Aisha Hotel as many as 21 participants came from the Marioriwawo sub-district, each class was guided by 2 instructors who were BPS organics consisting of 1 Inda Instrument and 1 Inda IT, with a total of 4 Inda IT and 4 Inda Instruments.

Muhlis SE, M.Si, Head of BPS Soppeng Regency advised all officers of the 2020 Population Census Long Form at the opening of the officer training, so that all officers involved in activities at BPS to always comply with Health protocols, master questionnaires and interview substance, be flexible and flexible (flexibility), careful digging information, build familiarity with respondents. In addition, he also advised all parties involved in BPS activities to always coordinate with the local government, dress neatly because they carry the name of BPS, and always coordinate with the Kortim and Koseka during data collection.

Hopefully this 2020 Advanced Population Census Activity can run smoothly in accordance with our shared expectations, and produce output in the form of valid, credible statistical data that can support evaluation planning and implementation of development in the Soppeng district.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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