The Launch of Desa Cantik and Satu Data Desa Indonesia in Soppeng Regency 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Soppeng Regency

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The Launch of Desa Cantik and Satu Data Desa Indonesia in Soppeng Regency 2024

The Launch of Desa Cantik and Satu Data Desa Indonesia in Soppeng Regency 2024

August 27, 2024 | Other Activities

BPS-Statistics Soppeng Regency officially held the launch of the Desa Cantik (Desa Cantik) and "Satu Data Desa Indonesia" (SDDI) programs at Laside Dabbare Field, Pattojo Village, Liliriaja District, Soppeng Regency. This event aimed to increase statistical literacy, awareness, and active participation of village and urban village officials, as well as the general public, in statistical activities.

The event, which ran smoothly and orderly, was attended by the Vice Regent of Soppeng, H. Lutfi Halide, along with the Head of BPS South Sulawesi Province, Aryanto, as the main speakers. Representatives from various related agencies, including the Regional Planning and Development Agency (Bappelitbangda) of Soppeng Regency, the Department of Communication and Information (Kominfo), the Department of Culture and Tourism of Soppeng Regency, sub-district heads, village heads, and urban village leaders from across Soppeng Regency were also present.

As part of the national program regulated under Presidential Regulation No. 39 of 2019 on One Data Indonesia and Law No. 6 of 2014 on Villages, the Desa Cantik program aims to enhance the capacity of village governments in managing and utilizing statistical data, in alignment with the principles of One Data Indonesia. Additionally, the program seeks to form statistical agents at the village and urban village levels who can manage data more effectively and efficiently.

The event was attended by a total of 67 participants, consisting of various stakeholders from the regency to the village levels. In addition to delivering materials on the Desa Cantik and Satu Data Desa Indonesia, the event also served as a forum for coordination and socialization among all parties involved in the management of statistical data in Soppeng Regency.

With the successful implementation of the Launch of Desa Cantik and Satu Data Desa Indonesia in Soppeng Regency 2024, it is hoped that villages across Soppeng Regency will become more independent in managing data, thus supporting more effective and targeted development programs.
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