One Data: The First Step of Statistics in Soppeng which is more qualified - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Soppeng Regency

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One Data: The First Step of Statistics in Soppeng which is more qualified

One Data: The First Step of Statistics in Soppeng  which is more qualified

December 10, 2018 | Other Activities

Soppeng Regency BPS and all the SOPeng District Regional Organizations (SOPDs) sat together in the Soppeng District sectoral coordination coordination meeting on Monday, December 10 2018 in the Soppeng District Regent Office Pattern Room. On this occasion, BPS along with all of its staff had the opportunity to present some important material including the Soppeng District PST (Integrated Statistical Service) BPS, Website, Soppeng Regency Social Media BPS, Announcement of One Data and Presentation on GRDP and Ins and outs in its preparation.
The meeting was also attended and opened by the Head of the Soppeng Regency Statistical and Communication and Information Agency, Drs. Andi Fithratuddin, presented the Head of IPDS (Integration of Processing and Statistical Dissemination) of Soppeng Regency BPS, Ananda Ahada Syaairillah, SST, at the first opportunity in presenting material on Soppeng District PST, Website, and Social Media BPS as well as One Data Declaration in the form of Cooperation between BPS and the Soppeng Regency Statistical and Communication and Information Agency to collect data from OPD with the main output being Soppeng District Publication in Figures. Soppeng Regency BPS hopes that this collaboration can begin to take place starting in 2019.
On the occasion of the second presentation, the Head of the Soppeng Regency BPS, Ir H Rustan, delivered the Soppeng Regency GRDP along with the ins and outs of its preparation. From the GRDP figures, it can be seen how economic growth in Soppeng Regency, it can be seen that economic growth always increases where this year it reaches 8.34% and above the average of South Sulawesi Province. In addition to GDP, on this occasion also the head of BPS Soppeng District also delivered material on Poverty, especially the gini ratio which in 2017 in Soppeng District amounted to 0.358, lower than South Sulawesi Province and Employment in the form of TPT (Open Unemployment Rate) in 2017 which reached 2 , 66% and TPAK (Work Force Participation Rate) which reached 63.64%.
Finally, hopefully through this meeting Soppeng district statistics will become more qualified and cooperation between BPS and OPD will improve.
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