SKPD Soppeng Coached on Calculating IPH and NTP for Economic Stability - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Soppeng Regency

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SKPD Soppeng Coached on Calculating IPH and NTP for Economic Stability

SKPD Soppeng Coached on Calculating IPH and NTP for Economic Stability

June 21, 2024 | Other Activities

On Friday, June 21, 2024, the Regional Apparatus Organization (SKPD) of Soppeng District participated in a technical coaching session on the Price Change Index (IPH) and Farmer Value (NTP) at the Central Statistics Agency of South Sulawesi Province. The event was led by Vice Regent of Soppeng, Ir. Lutfi Halide, accompanied by the Head of BPS Soppeng District, Muhlis, SE, M.Si, along with their staff.

The purpose of this coaching was to provide technical knowledge to SKPD regarding accurate calculation of IPH and NTP in Soppeng District. According to Vice Regent Lutfi Halide, valid IPH data and realistic NTP are crucial indicators for monitoring inflation in the region.

During the session, Lutfi Halide expressed appreciation to all BPS personnel, both at the district and provincial levels, for their cooperation in training SKPD of Soppeng District. He also emphasized the importance of coordination between BPS Soppeng and the District Government (Pemkab), especially in terms of sectoral data collection.

Furthermore, Vice Regent Lutfi Halide highlighted the importance of swift responses to price fluctuations in the market. In case of price increases or market price volatility, he stated that the District Government would promptly coordinate with BPS to take strategic actions, such as market operations or distributing affordable food markets.

On the other hand, Head of BPS South Sulawesi Province, Aryanto, SE, M.Si, appreciated this coaching activity as an effort to deepen SKPD's technical understanding of statistical data, which is crucial in handling inflation. He provided technical explanations about the Consumer Price Index (CPI), IPH, and NTP as key factors determining inflation values in the region.

The effective coordination between BPS Soppeng and Pemkab Soppeng has proven successful in controlling inflation in the area. Aryanto emphasized the importance of maintaining price stability for the 20 main types of staple foods to ensure inflation remains under control.

Thus, efforts such as this coaching session are expected to strengthen SKPD of Soppeng District's capacity in managing and analyzing economic statistical data to support inflation control policies in their region.

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