Agricultural Census 2013 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Soppeng Regency

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Agricultural Census 2013

Agricultural Census 2013

December 10, 2014 | BPS Activities

Agricultural census in Indonesia has been implemented for five times, namely in 1963, 1973, 1983, 1993, and 2003 agricultural census will be the 6th in 2013 with the theme "Providing Information for Future Farmers Better".
ST2013 is a great activity that implementation should be carried out in several stages, both in the preparation and implementation. Preparation ST2013 has been started from the year 2010 until 2012, while the implementation of the ST2013 will be in 2013 and 2014. The ST2013 Series of implementation begins with a complete enumeration (listing) in 2013 followed by a Farm Household Income Survey (SPP) in the same year and Survey Sub scores in 2014.
The main purpose of the agricultural census activities is to obtain statistical data are complete and accurate farm for materials planning and evaluation of the results of development, especially in the agricultural sector.

ST2013 complete enumeration purpose is:

1.Mendapatkan agricultural statistical data are complete and accurate in order to obtained a clear picture of the structure of agriculture in Indonesia.
2.Mendapatkan sample frame (sampling frame) that can be used as the basis of sampling for routine agricultural surveys.
3.Memperoleh variety of information about the population of farming households, landless peasant households, number of trees and livestock, distribution and utilization of land tenure according to broad categories and so on. Complete enumeration ST2013 also be used as a benchmark figure (benchmarks) to refine estimates of crop production, horticulture, plantation, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery.

Coverage Area

ST2013 complete enumeration covers the whole territory of the Republic of Indonesia.

Population coverage

The population covered by the ST2013 includes companies incorporated, companies not incorporated or not household enterprises (boarding schools, seminaries, prisons, and others who seek agriculture), and agriculture in the household.

Coverage Subsector Agriculture

ST2013 includes all sub-sectors (including agriculture services), namely: 1) crops (rice and pulses); 2) horticultural crops (vegetables, fruits, ornamental plants, and medicinal plants); 3) plantation crops; 4) farms; 5) farming and fishing; 6) plant forestry, hunting, catching or breeding of wildlife, and harvesting.
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