Gathering of the new Head of the Soppeng District BPS with the Soppeng District Government - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Soppeng Regency

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Gathering of the new Head of the Soppeng District BPS with the Soppeng District Government

Gathering of the new Head of the Soppeng District BPS with the Soppeng District Government

April 14, 2022 | Other Activities

On Thursday, April 14, 2022, at the Regent's Office, the Regional Secretary of the Soppeng Regency. In order to get in touch with the local government of Soppeng Regency, the Head of the Regional Balance Sheet and Statistical Analysis As a representative from the Provincial BPS, Mrs. Suri Handayani S.Si, M.Si introduced Mr. Muhlis SE, M.Si as the new head of the Soppeng Regency BPS-Statistics Indonesia. The old Soppeng Mr. Paulus Mangade, SE. who has entered his retirement period. In this gathering, the Soppeng Regency government, represented by the Sopppeng Regency Secretary, Drs. Andi Tenri Sessu M.Si warmly welcomes the new BPS leadership. Not to forget also at the gathering, BPS Soppeng Regency said that in May there will be a LF Population Census and a 2023 Agricultural Sesnsu, for these submissions, the Secretary of State welcomes and is ready to help for the success of these activities.
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