Focus Group Discussion Kabupaten Soppeng dalam Angka 2019 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Soppeng Regency

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Focus Group Discussion Kabupaten Soppeng dalam Angka 2019

Focus Group Discussion Kabupaten Soppeng dalam Angka 2019

July 29, 2019 | Other Activities

The Soppeng District BPS held a Focus Group Discussion to discuss Soppeng District Publication in Figures 2019. The series of publications was routinely released by the BPS District of Soppeng every year. In addition to discussing data, discussion and question and answer between BPS, Regional Government, Vertical Agencies, Private Institutions, BUMN and BUMD, regarding data on sectoral data to be released, this time the FGD looked different.
This year the Soppeng District BPS gave awards to agency agencies that collected data from Soppeng District in the fastest figures. In this case the award winners are:
  1. Soppeng District Communication and Information Office and Soppeng District La Temmamala Hospital in the SKPD category.
  2. Bank Sulselbar in the category of BUMN / BUMD.
  3. Watansoppeng District Court in the Vertical Institution Category.
  4. Lammapapoleonro Foundation in the Private Institution Category.
Hopefully this award can spur other agencies to be able to collect sectoral data data more timely and also be accompanied by good data quality.
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