Selection of Officers of the Sensus Ekonomi 2016 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Soppeng Regency

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Selection of Officers of the Sensus Ekonomi 2016

Selection of Officers of the Sensus Ekonomi 2016

January 11, 2016 | Other Activities

Officers Recruitment Sensus Ekonomi 2016

Let's contribute to the success of the Sensus Ekonomi 2016 to prepare yourself to be a candidate officer in Sensus Ekonomi 2016.


# Collection Registration's File :

18 - 29 Januay 2016

# Selection of candidates for officers of SE2016:

1-9 February 2016

# Announcement of selection result:

12 February 2016



  1. Education min. High School or equivalent
  2. Remain domiciled in the district. Soppeng during March-June 2016
  3. Know the work area well
  4. Ability to work in team
  5. Able to communicate well
  6. Have good writing
  7. Attractive
  8. Preferably have a motor vehicle
  9. Willing to sign an employment contract


  1. Fill out the form Bios officer candidate SE2016 download here
  2. Photocopy of identity card (1 sheet)
  3. Photocopy of diploma (1 sheet)
  4. 3x4 recent color photograph (2 sheets)
  5. Prospective officers were civil servants, attach a letter of permission from the institution

All files requirements included in one folder and collected related to CP or at the District Office of the
Badan Pusat Statistik Kab. Soppeng


  1. Marioriwawo = 22
  2. Lalabata = 67
  3. Liliriaja = 18
  4. Ganra = 6
  5. Citta = 5
  6. Lilirilau = 41
  7. Donri-Donri = 12
  8. Marioriawa = 16

*Quota each village look at here

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