Soppeng Regency Manpower Statistics 2022 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Soppeng Regency

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Soppeng Regency Manpower Statistics 2022

Catalog Number : 2301004.7312
Publication Number : 73120.2319
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : October 26, 2023
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 1.04 MB


Based on employment reviews in Soppeng Regency can be concluded as follows:1) In 2022 the percentage of working age population in the RegencySoppeng consists of 61.90 percent of the populationwork with details of 59.79 percent of whom work andthe remaining 2.10 percent are unemployed. When seenby gender, the percentage of the population that is femalework less than the male population.2) Labor Force Participation Level in Soppeng Regency in Year2022 will reach 61.90 percent, which is the class participation rateemployment of the female population is lower than that of the female populationmale labor force participation rate. Participation ratethe labor force in urban areas is higher than inrural.3) The education level of the workforce in Soppeng Regency is still relativelow where 45.87 percent of the existing workforce iselementary school education or below.4) The largest contribution of business fields in employmentare services and agriculture.5) More people work in the informal sector in comparisonformal sector.6) The open unemployment rate in Soppeng is 3.40 percent.
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