Labor Statistics of Soppeng Regency - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Soppeng Regency

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Labor Statistics of Soppeng Regency

Catalog Number : 2301004.7312
Publication Number : 73120.1932
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : December 26, 2019
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 1.29 MB


Complete and reliable information about labor conditions is one information that can be used in sustainable development planning. With the existence of data and information about labor that is accurate and sustainable, it will become a reference in determining labor policies. Soppeng Regency Employment Profile 2018 is an effort to provide information in the field of employment in the Soppeng Regency. With various reviews and reviews based on August 201 Sakernas data, this publication is packaged in such a way that it is able to become one of the references in seeing a general picture of labor conditions. To all those who helped and participated in realizing this publication, thank you. We expect your input and suggestions for the perfect preparation of this publication in the future.
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