Analysis of Data Needs Survey 2016-2018 BPS-Statistics of Soppeng Regency - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Soppeng Regency

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Analysis of Data Needs Survey 2016-2018 BPS-Statistics of Soppeng Regency

Catalog Number : 1399013.7312
Publication Number : 73120.1903
ISSN/ISBN : 978-602-5551-27-7
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : January 21, 2019
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 0.45 MB


Data Needs Survey (SKD) is a survey conducted by the Directorate of Dissemination of BPS Statistics through the Statistics Referral Subdirectorate, while in the case of implementation in the District BPS it is the responsibility of the Processing Integration and Statistical Dissemination (IPDS) section.SKD has been carried out by BPS Soppeng Regency from 2016 to the latest in 2018. The results that can be obtained from SKD consist of data user characteristics, data requirements analysis, data quality satisfaction analysis, and service unit performance analysis.Soppeng Regency BPS seeks to present to the public the results of the SKD that have been carried out during 2016-2018 in the form of publication of the 2016-2018 BPS SKD Results Analysis of the Soppeng Regency. From this publication, it is hoped that useful information can be obtained for improving data services, especially by the Soppeng Regency BPS IPDS section for the following years.
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