Commemoration Ceremony of the 47th "Korpri" Anniversary in 2018 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Soppeng Regency

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Commemoration Ceremony of the 47th "Korpri" Anniversary in 2018

Commemoration Ceremony of the 47th "Korpri" Anniversary in 2018

November 29, 2018 | Other Activities

Every November 29th is celebrated as "Korpri" Anniversary. This year, all the State Civil Apparatus commemorate the 47th Korpri Anniversary by conducting ceremonies in each agency. The following is an excerpt from the speech of Indonesian President Joko Widodo as Korpri National Advisor on the 47th Korpri Anniversary:

"For 47 years, Korpri along with all of apparatus have contributed greatly to society, nation and state. Korpri has become one of the binders in strengthening brotherhood and national unity in diversity. The apparatus have become the front guard in providing services to the community in promoting character, ethics and professionalism.
Starting in 2019, the government will carry out a massive program to strengthen Human Resources (HR) to face the increasingly challenging challenges of the times. The quality of government and private human resources, human resources in all sectors, human resources in all levels of government and the quality of human resources at an early age and adolescence, must be significantly improved. Our human resources must be able to face and take advantage of opportunities from the world and technology that are changing rapidly. "

Happy 47th Anniversary, Korpri!
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